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Up the River

While we were waiting for the propellers to be delivered from the States (they spent a couple of days in Customs in Kentucky), we decided to crawl (that's all Brio could do) up the St. John's River to Belleisle Bay. We saw a tiny hurricane hole there called Jenkins Cove and we were in the middle of a two-day nor'easter.

We didn't want to spend another night on our mooring off the Royal Kennebeccasis Yacht Club because the entire mooring field is wide open to NE winds. It was bouncy and noisy. So off we went, up the River.

There is much of the River we never explored, as you can see below.

St. John is at the bottom of the chart. Where the label "Saint John" is located is where the Yacht Club is. We motored slowly "up the chart", through Grand Bay. The boat's snail trail shows our route. There's a cut-off off to the right that allows you to enter Belleisle Bay. You can see how Brio entered Belleisle Bay below.

And here's Jenkins Cove, our protected harbor for Wednesday night.

From here, we could hear cows mooing in the morning. We were not alone. There was a seaplane also moored nearby!

In the morning, as as the nor'easter remnants passed to the north, we had a glimpse of sun.

We knew we had to get quickly to the Yacht Club because UPS might have delivered the propellers. (In fact, they were uncharacteristically early and had indeed delivered the props by the time we completed the 4 hour trip back from Jenkins Cove.

Here are some pictures coming back from the Cove. This is Ghost Island, named because there's a big rock on the island that looks like a man.

And here are wind-swept deciduous trees along the river bank.

Back we went and arrived soon after the props were delivered. So, in Hollywood terms, this is a prequel to The Fix.

But before we go, Brio wants to share with you one of her favorite pictures from the Yacht Club. Brio calls it "Man and Dog."



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