In order to get upstream from the Bassin de Chambly, we had to go on the Chambly Canal. The Canal seems tiny. Brio is 15 feet wide. The locks are perhaps 25 feet wide. Brio is 53 feet long, including her dinghy. The locks can accommodate boats up to 80 feet long. All in all, this transit required attention to get Brio into and out of the 9 locks and under the 4 or 5 bridges.
Here we are, starting at the first lock. Notice that the gates and valves are all activated by hand cranks.

The water rushes in to the lock chamber.

And fills quickly.

Our lock masters are all young, pleasant and welcoming.

Besides the locks being narrow, the Canal itself is also narrow. Watch out! It is about 9 feet deep through most of the Canal. The heavy rains from the night before help add water to the Canal's depth.
We eventually exit the Chambly Canal and re-enter the Richelieu with about 20 miles to go before the U.S. - Canadian border. Our destination is Rouses Point, New York, which we reach around 4:00 pm in time to clear Customs and head for the marina.
It's nice to be back home!