There is much about the Thousand Islands that seem fantastical. Some things even invite a child's fantasies to take flight. Perhaps inspired by George Boldt and Boldt Castle, others have come here to claim their own island and build their own island paradise.
Here we are anchored at nearby Summerland Island, northeast of Alexandria Bay (A-Bay to the cognoscenti). We are surrounded by islands except to the east. We expected a squall line to go through Thursday night (June 20th), and this seemed like a well-protected cove.
To our north is a good example of money creating a little kingdom.
It looks like these houses have either been recently re-shingled and renovated or built anew. Look at the topmost vent on the house and appreciate what must have gone into building the curved shingled walls on either side of the vent. No slouch carpenter work here!

And the waterfront with the stone matching the chimney stone.
To the east is the boat house.

And guest houses.

You can see signs of active construction everywhere. The rubble pile is to the right in this picture. Bobcats, front-end loaders and Grade-alls populate the site as the location is landscaped and graded. Princes and princesses are to be pleased.

Of course, we were inspired. We were treated to a breakfast fit for kings, queens and crew.

Today, we leave the Thousand Islands and begin our trip down the Saint Lawrence in earnest. Next stop is Ogdensburg where the Remington Art Museum awaits.