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Oh, The Places We Have Seen


Before we go any further, it's important to see a quick summary of what Brio has covered. The picture below gives a summary, done better than words. It omits down River from Sorel and the area south of Waterford and Albany, New York. That's a suggestion of how great the distances have been.

Under the name Kingston is the Thousand Islands. This morning (July 16), we are in Burlington, Vermont. If you extend the line from "Lake Champlain" on the map to the east side of the Lake, that's roughly where we are.

We had dinner with a good friend in Burlington last night. He came all the way up from New Hampshire. It was good to connect!

Now, to the Lake itself.

If you look at the map, you can see a string of islands that run north-south down the middle of the Lake. At the top of the Lake, there is the Canada - U.S. border. Plattsburgh (and Valcour) are on the west side of the Lake. The islands divide the Lake into what's called "The Inland Sea" and the main body of the Lake.

We have traversed the Inland Sea and spent a couple of nights there. That's for the next blog.

Next, we head south of Burlington where the character of the Lake changes completely.





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