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O, Canada!


July 1st is Canada Day. In Quebec, or at least in Quebec City, Canada Day is not as widely celebrated as Moving Out Day when apartment leases turn over. Elsewhere, Canada Day is a national holiday and celebrated with the same intent at our Fourth of July.

The Maple Leaf has become an important national symbol. But there are many other symbols

competing for the hearts of her citizens. It's a challenge when diversity is so broadly embraced.

For Quebec, her provincial flag is:

This is proudly displayed everywhere. But it was adopted only in the late 1940s. The history:

The motto on Quebec license plates is "Je me souviens", or "I remember." But with so many symbols, just what is one to remember?

It is like the transition to Canada becoming independent in 1867. While it was important and momentous, there was no battle fought or war won. It was more like an adolescent turning 21.

At least, that's Brio's impression.

Happy Canada Day, ah, er, Moving Out Day.





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