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Buckle on a SW Wind

We left the birds behind in the Cranberries. Bye, bye, birdies. We were looking for a better night's sleep without the sound of claws and webbed feet above our heads. Our next stop on our way west was Buckle Harbor. The goal was to visit as many 4-starred and 5-starred harbors as possible, rated by the famed cruising couple, Hank and Jan Taft. Their first edition of A Cruising Guide to the Maine Coast was printed in the late 1980s. The last one was the 6th edition, printed 2017. It has been expanded and now covers New Brunswick as well. That was certainly nice when we ventured east to Grand Manan earlier this summer.

Buckle Harbor is on the northwest side of Swans Island (think of Burnt Coat Harbor). It is really a cove with rocky beaches on all sides. It is open to the northeast and closed to the southwest. The picture below is to the southwest.

We had anchored in the cove initially. Then someone left and behind them was an unused mooring! We pounced. The mooring was right at the head of the harbor and the view to the southwest was unobstructed. As you can see, it almost looks like a painting.

With low tide, even more of these rocks are exposed, closing off the harbor completely to the southwest.

The southwest wind picked up later in the afternoon and Brio swung around to lie alongside of the rocky beach. We had to trust that whomever had put the mooring in this place knew the boat would stand off the rocky shore at a safe distance. Or, at least, those were our hopes!

Here's the view off of our starboard beam:

There is a little beach behind the big rock on the shore. Several intrepid dog owners landed there to stretch legs and exercise the pooch. You can see what a wild place Buckle Island is.

Here's a close-up:

What a jumble of textures!

Just forward of the starboard view.

From Buckle, we continued our westward "trek", crossing Jericho Bay, to Merchants Row and Stonington.



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