Why make a voyage?
I believe it is a deep yearning of the human soul to reach beyond the horizons of our daily lives. It is exciting, unknown and expanding. It is educational. It is fearsome and even terrifying. Our desire for adventure and our curiosity drive us humans to go beyond what is familiar and commonplace and comfortable to see what is new and fresh and edgy. And there is the personal challenge as well. We mustn’t ignore the physical challenge.
Each trip requires planning, forethought, anticipation and vast preparation. Can we accomplish what’s ahead of us? There are risks. How can we prepare to overcome those risks? That requires the application of knowledge and experience and it requires faith. Maybe not the same faith that was exhibited by Columbus’s crew as they sailed off the edge of the Earth. But there is faith that the Divine will be present to guide us and care for us and help us make wise decisions.

Let’s not forget fun. We get the best boat we can. We get the best equipment we can. We find the most compatible and wise fellow travelers. And then we let our sense of excitement and accomplishment take us to those new places, all the while having fun. The voyage sharpens expectations of adventure and as we surmount our challenges and meet new places and new people, we expand our horizons, stretch our minds and tickle our funny bones with pleasure.
So, what is this all about? It really is about life. We seek to seize the moments while we can and open our eyes to the beauty and awesome world all around us. New people, new landscapes, new animals, new geology, new attractions. And we hope to capture at least some of what is written above in the travel logs and pictures that will surely follow. We pray for Divine guidance and His Almighty presence to bring us all home safely with a deeper appreciation of what makes this place so magnificent.